Confused by traffic signs for biking in France? You’re not alone.

We rented the Velo Bleu last time we were in Nice. We kept mainly to the bike paths on the Promenade des Anglais and didn’t really notice the signs other than the ones painted on the path. I started thinking about the […]

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Nice to host Tour de France in June 2020

The Tour de France racers are finished for 2019, and I’m already excited about next year’s race. Why? Because Nice will be the host city, and it will feature the Grand Départ, which is the first stage of the race and is […]

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Nice Tramway T2 Update

So, I’m a little obsessed with the tramway in Nice. The world just got a little better for all the travelers to Nice that land at the Nice Airport. On Friday 28 June 2019, two more stations on the Tramway T2 from […]

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Crunch Time.

My Delta Airlines app just told me that I have 5 days and 19 hours until my trip to Nice starts. Oh boy… so much to do. Thank goodness we started planning our itinerary months ago and have been refining it most […]

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Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great 2018 and I hope you have a better 2019. We have a lot of goals for 2019 that include making progress towards retiring in France. Look for lots of posts in 2019 as we prepare for […]

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