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About us

Have you ever thought about retiring in a foreign country? What would it be like to spend our golden years in a foreign land? How do you decide which country you want to retire in? Where do you get all the information that helps guide you through the process? But is it really a good idea to be an oldie overseas?

These are the questions we ask ourselves as we prepare for the next phrase of our lives. In short, our personal answer to the question of whether we should retire overseas is yes – even though we’re still trying to figure out all the details.

The idea of spending our retirement at least part time overseas came easy. We love to travel, especially to Europe. B is madly in love with France. She studied French in high school and has been there many times. I also have been to France before, find the French language interesting, and feel I can find hobbies in France. So when we sat down and tried to decide what we want to do after we don’t have to work any longer and have all the time in the world, moving to France was a logical choice.

At this point many of you may ask, “Wait a minute. You will be in your 60s and you want to start all over in a foreign country?”

Good question. But it’s not exactly a start-over for us. B and I are no strangers to an expat life. I am an American who lived and worked in Korea and Japan for nearly two decades. B is a Thai and has lived overseas for nearly two decades as well.

The question is, where in France do we want to move to since each city offers a different lifestyle and standard of living? We created this blog to help us explore and document our options before making the big move.

A while back, we had an epiphany and felt that we should start at least a “limited retirement” now and prepare ourselves for our next phase. We are both healthy, want to travel, and try new things. With so many adventures awaiting us, we thought it would be fun to share what we experience with you.

B speaks the language the best, but we are certainly newbies. We have our good attitude and ability to laugh at ourselves to guide us through.

If there are any comments or suggestions, please let us know. It’s a pleasure to know that you are going along for the ride with us. Cheers.