2 Tickets to France

This is what happened on the way to studying French

Studying French

It is believed that there are over 75 million native French speakers and about 235 million people use French daily and are fluent.

I am not one of them.

I have to admit up front that my French is very poor. We are headed to Nice in 4 months and I’m not super confident I will be able to get around on just my French yet. I have a lot of plans for things I want to do, and I don’t want to use English as a crutch. It is going to be “très intéressant.”

It’s not that I can’t learn a foreign language. I had to learn 2 already for work. They were both Asian languages and had no base in French. French is a Romance language, so it isn’t close to the languages I learned. But the aptitude is there. I just need to buckle down and get started.

To me, learning a foreign language comes down to listening, reading, and speaking. For my trip coming up, I want to vastly improve my reading skills as I feel that having a larger vocabulary will improve my situational awareness more than anything else quicker.

I decided that reading the Nice Matan online newspaper in France would kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I can learn French and at the same time learn what is going on in Nice.

This is the website:


I also use Google translate on my cellphone.

So a day studying for me consists of finding a story on Nice Matin that looks interesting and printing it. I start at the headline and work my way through the story. Words that I don’t know go into my vocabulary notebook. So far, that is really helping build up my vocab.

I also built flashcard with the 500 most common French words.  Between the 2 study platforms, I think I am getting better.

The real test will be when I am on my own in Nice and I have to use French. Adventures await.

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